Friday, February 21, 2014

Are patents the next big commodity?

This post is a response to an article by FOSS Patents, "Samsung, Google lawyers to represent patent licensing firm in tomorrow's $2 billion Apple trial." IPCOM filed for $2 billion in damages in Germany, in litigation involving parties such as Nokia, HTC, Apple, Eriksson and PCom. Combined, they employ a multitude of high profile law firms.

The fact is, besides the situational differences in many IP cases, they share common attributes. One of those attributes is the fact that ideas seem to be the next big commodity; just like we chased gold, silk, and oil in the past, we're now chasing intellectual property. It's incredible that patents, mere pieces of paper, can cause so much legal and financial strife.

Having read a lot of content on patent litigation and the enormous ramifications that sometimes happen, I wanted to focus on what might be an underlying problem; we might be overestimating the worth of patents and enabling practices that seek to hinder progress rather than cause it.

FOSS Patents:

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