Friday, January 31, 2014

Who am I?

My name is Luke and I'm a sophomore at UC Berkeley. As a freshman, I was exposed to the wonderful world of entrepreneurship through the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology. Following my exposure to various CET resources and my introduction to Ken Singer, I took a chance and studied abroad in Estonia with the European Innovation Academy. As a 19 year old who knew nothing, I was put in a position from which to lead 5 other guys who were much more qualified and accomplished than I was. From the first day, I plunged into startups with both feet, and it's led me on a very rewarding path thus far.


  1. Luke. Awesome to hear about your trip to Estonia. That was actually a program I was interested in when I was thinking about studying abroad. But I decided against it, since I was almost done with my CET Certificate. Would love to hear more about it in person!

    1. It was a huge growing experience. My team and I had a blast in Estonia and we ended up doing pretty well in the competition. Afterwards, I was recruited to lead marketing in the US and help run the program this summer. We're doing it again in Nice, France, so it's not too late to go to the European Innovation Academy!

  2. Luke,

    How hard was that experience of being throw in as a leader? Did it teach you anything valuable?


  3. The European Innovation Academy was a huge challenge but I enjoyed every minute. I learned a to about myself and the way I want to shape my career.
